Nitrification provides available form of nitrogen to plants via nitrogen cycle. ... Also the assimilation of nitrates in plants requires more metabolic energy as compared to the assimilation energy for ammonia. Thusunchecked and uncontrolled nitrification is becoming an evil, so we can say it “a ...
Oxygen levels also can be reduced through overfertilization of water plants by run-off from farm fields containing phosphates and nitrates (the ingredients in fertilizers). Under these conditions, the numbers and size of water plants increase. Then, if the weather becomes cloudy for several days,...
Stu, I guess the idea is fairly simple: fossil fuels do run out, as they do we must have replacements, if replacements don’t compete on price with fossil fuels the cost of energy increases, this leads to either population reductions and/or a less energy intensive lifestyle. My concern ...
The above sentences get us off to a nice start, but they don’t begin to do the subject justice. Indeed, getting up to speed on every important reason to go vegan would require months of reading. You would have to explore topics like plant-based nutrition, animal rights philosophy, and ...
Plants came to this Earth before we did. If it hadn’t been for their photosynthesis, and converting the sun’s light to energy, we would be around at all. They have their own immune system, just like we do and have over time developed many ways to handle toxins including fungus and ...