Explain why plants will not photosynthesize in the dark. What is the result of putting chlorophyll pigment extract in direct light? Why do chlorophyll molecules react this way? How does this reaction differ from intact chloroplasts? Most plants are green because: a. chlo...
The sun is the main source of energy for almost every living thing on Earth. It gives a plant the light energy it needs to photosynthesize, which converts that light energy into a storable form (glucose) and keeps plants alive. A by-product of photosynthesis is the oxygen all animals nee...
Plants:Plants are multicellular living organisms that produce their own food using a process called photosynthesis. This process combines carbon dioxide and water to form carbohydrates using energy from the sun.Answer and Explanation: Plant can tolerate changes in ploidy because they do not have a ...
In turn, the fungi rely on the trees to photosynthesize; they use some of the tree’s chemical food as their only energy source. Such intimate relationships are examples of coevolution through which two species become so interdependent that they can thrive only in each other’s presence.At ...
is actuallyall colors of the spectrumhence, full spectrum. While plants do well when exposed to full spectrum lighting, their photoreceptors are especially responsive to a specific group of colored lighting. Here are the three essential colors your plants use to photosynthesize and grow to their ...
Leaves on a minima plant can be fully green, entirely white, or a combination of the two. Fully white plants will die quickly since they are unable to photosynthesize. Variegated minima can revert to unvariegated, meaning that their leaves go back to being all green. ...
These pigments produce yellow and orange fall leaf colors & color many fruits, vegetables, and flowers their color Why do most plants have 3 different types of pigments? What takes place in Stage 1 of photosynthesis? And where does it take place?
Cactus Lesson for Kids: Facts & Adaptations from Chapter 5/ Lesson 37 39K Learn about cacti, their adaptations, and interesting facts about these plants. Discover where to find these succulent plants and special adaptations that allow them to live in dry climates. Finally, explore interesting fac...
Morning glories must have full sun, which in the garden translates to six hours of sun daily. If the location is too shady, the vines won't be able to photosynthesize properly and their leaves may yellow. Try pruning any overhanging branches that might be shading your flowers. If that's...
My RFID implant is currently being used to unlock the doors at work, unlock my computer, and there are future plans for it to unlock and lock my car door (in theory, one could also start and turn off the car, though to do so is a bit more complex than locking a car door). ...