For example, lawmakers and drugmakers have accused PBMs of charging insurers more for drugs than they reimburse pharmacies, pocketing the difference as profit. Donovan acknowledged that insurers attempt to negotiate with providers to cut prices for services and products. But she said insurers are ...
It’s ggod that they go against these things, but referencing things the way they do isn’t so smart: Saying “It has nothing to do with their education” leaves room for the mto figure out a way to connect the dots- false ones included. Not really a good idea to argue that “Thi...
Unlike most other trips you did and will do, your visit itself will have some larger meaning. By visiting Ukraine, you can show the world what you stand for. Going to Kyiv in these times, you bring some hope, support, and money to the Ukrainians. Your mere presence will signal to Eas...