in which case grunting is the body's way of forcing the airways open. Grunting is also seen as a form of vocal stereotypy in children with autism, as well as a vocal tic in children with Tourette's syndrome. If you suspect your child is having trouble breathing, take them to the nea...
So there are some things stacked against us as parents. But there are things we can do to approach this parent-child dynamic differently. According to psychologistAlbert Mehrabian'smodel of communication, only 7% of our feelings and attitudes are conveyed through the words we use in spoken commu...
And since these same words exist simultaneously in other people's heads, it's very difficult to think of wholly new and unique things, and most new and surprising ideas always exist in some form or other in many heads at once. That's actually rather beneficial because an idea that is so...
One key part of the progressive agenda of the last century has been improving health – and especially children’s health – through mass vaccination against deadly diseases. And now come a new group of people, autism parents, who allegedly want to roll back all this progress so long in the...
I do however question the confidence that within a biosphere there will always be a "last survivor". Certainly more than a few times upwards of ~90% of all species have gone extinct, but much like the fact that humans have ~95% DNA in common with chimps confuses many people tha...
打个比方就好比每天晚上你的电脑或者手机要进入维护模式,进行磁盘碎片整理(memory 的转移和索引),安装固件更新漏洞补丁(增强免疫系统功能)之类的,喝醉昏睡过去大概就等价于强行拔掉电源——虽然两种情况电脑都黑屏了,但是第二天重启的时候立刻就会知道区别很大。而熬夜晚睡则相当于长期运行内存效率低下、没有补丁的“裸奔...
I do think I’m right, but it’s possible I’m being ignorant in a way I don’t understand. And some people may say so in the comment section, and again I’ll have to monitor my temptation to bully off their opposing views with rhetoric. If I’m skillful enough, I might be able...
You’ve made it cool to threaten women with violence. As long as you call her a TERF, it’s OK. She deserves it. Transphobic bitch deserves to be beat, right? Women getting punched at protests is fine, since they were TERFs. Well done. You bully people who do not want sex with ...
This is important in understanding autism spectrum disorders: we now know that humans use the amygdala to orient our attention to other people. Orienting toward faces is something we have to learn in childhood; if we're raised without exposure to faces, our brains don't develop this feature,...
To see and interact with the world, we first need to understand it. Visual processing is one way we do this, and is composed of many parts. When we see an object, we don’t just see its physical attributes, we also comprehend the meaning behind them. We know that a chair needs legs...