Why do People Lose Money in the Forex Market - The short answer: because it’s really hard to be consistently profitable :-) As they say: “The best way to end up with $1000 in forex is to start with $2000”. It’s definitely possible though. And when yo
From my own experience, I can say that people use their heads to trade. That's what they do. They've been banging it against a concrete wall for years. They call it painful process. People are divided into smart and stupid, not interneters and offliners. When I get on a city bus,...
trade. Unlike most professions, which require you invest money in your education, you can actually train on aForex demo accountfor as long as you want without spending any money at all. There is no limit to how long you can demo test. So why lose real money when you do not have to?
August 27, 2021 (Investorideas.com Newswire) When it comes to Forex trading and gambling, plenty of people often mistake the two as the same. But while it is easy to see why Forex trading can be perceived as gambling, there are subtle differences that can help draw the line between the...
Forex News Trading – Why should you NOT trade this! Forex trading pair: GBP CADThis is one of a good example which is worth mentioning.Alot of people have asked me, Ezekiel – How do you trade the news? My answer is simple: I rarely trade the news. and i go on by saying that ...
People ask me all the time where do I think the market is going. I say to them it goes where it goes, I have no opinion. This has turned my trading around. Train your brain and the rest will follow. Good luck NJTrader 1 Post 4 Quote Sep 5, 2005 10:45pm AKforex | ...
Although I was never shut out of a commodity trade by the day limit, the fear was always in the back of my mind. Trading costs — Transaction costs in the Forex market is the difference between the buy and sell price of each currency pair. There are no brokerage fees. For both the...
Why trade forex Easy to access The forex market is a vibrant market that operates 24 hours on weekdays and even extends a bit into the weekends. It averages $5.3 trillion USD indailytrading volume, easily trumping the size of all the other financial markets in the world combined. It provid...
So why trade Forex? Ask three different people and you will get more than three different answers. Right off the bat, making money is the most frequently cited reason for why Forex. And this is a perfectly legitimate motivation: we all live in a world where money, even if it can’t bu...
are profit-motivated. Central banks move forex markets dramatically throughmonetary policy, exchange regime setting, and currency intervention in rare cases. Corporations trade currency for global business operations and to hedge risk. Investors can benefit from knowing whotradesforex and why they do so...