Yet for some, the apocrine glands, which are responsible for sweating, become overactive and produce more sweat than is needed. I share insights into hyperhidrosis below. I also clarify that it isn’t limited to specific areas of the body, occurring across the body including the underarms, ...
冷却效应不仅作用在运动过程中 We sweat in many other scenarios, too. 我们还在其他许多场合出汗 Eating particularly spicy food makes some people sweat profusely from their faces. 吃特别辛辣的食物会让一些人的脸部大量流汗 That happens because spices trigger the same neural response in the brain 这是因...
Learn more about this topic: Sweat | Definition & Components from Chapter 13 / Lesson 15 32K Learn about sweat. Read about the meaning of sweat and what sweat is in the body. Understand what sweat is made of and discover if urine and sweat are the same things. ...
as well as body size—bigger people generally have the capacity to produce more sweat than smaller folk simply because they have a larger body surface area and more muscle mass to generate heat. Men, on average, also sweat more than women. Whilst the exact reasons for this aren’t fully ...
Let’s Begin… There are a number of scenarios that can make us sweat–including exercise, eating spicy foods, and nervousness. But how does this substance suddenly materialize, and what exactly is its purpose? John Murnan explores the science behind sweat....
Sweat consists of mostly water along with some metabolic waste and electrolytes. Sweat is excreted from sudoriferous glands in the dermis of the skin and play a key role in temperature regulation.Answer and Explanation: The main reason we sweat is to cool our body temperature down because it...
该词后面的内容应该是对 "Scientists say the answers come down to evolution"的解说,根据"Humans probably evolved without fur because they have more sweat glands (汗腺) than other mammals. Humans walk upright on two legs. Therefore, the top of their heads needs protection from the sun"可知,人类...
For instance, if you feel stress before a big meeting, the palms of your hands, soles of your feet or underarms might start to sweat. In addition, some people sweat more on their heads and faces in response to nervousness. Nervous Sweating Symptoms Let’s face it: Any spontaneous ...
试题来源: 解析 Because water is very precious in space, they need to recycle and reuse every drop of water as much as possible. 宇航员收集尿液和汗水是为了在太空中节约用水。太空环境中水资源极其珍贵,宇航员需要尽可能地回收利用每一滴水,以确保生存和任务的顺利进行。