Laughter provides a way for these emotions to be harmlessly released. Laughter is cathartic. That's why some people who are upset or stressed out go to a funny movie or a comedy club, so they can laugh the negative emotions away (these negative emotions, when held inside, can cause ...
If it’s just about a temporary lack of energy, why then do most people report that even just realising that they are hungry rather than distressed—amidst an episode of hanger—alleviates their negative emotions? There is something far more interesting happening in the brain. article continues ...
You may have read this far and thought,“Well, I survived [insert] years of my life keeping my emotions bottled up inside, so why can’t I just continue?” Many people go through life with unhealthy habits, but that doesn’t mean they’re right. Just because you can survive without e...
In this podcast (episode #480) and blog, I talk about why falling in love with your emotions is one of the best things you can do to improve your mental health! As you have heard me say many times before, we cannot run from or suppress our emotions. We
Not surprisingly, we often resort to venting to our family, friends, and perhaps anyone who will listen in an effort to make us feel better. Often, however, the opposite happens. We end up feeling worse. As do they, since allemotions are contagious. ...
Mills: Well, let’s talk about horror specifically. For people who don’t like watching horror movies—and that does not include me. I like a good scary movie—it can be hard to understand why so many other people love them. What have you found in your research? Why do people enjoy ...
But more and more people in the United States are taking them long term. And indeed, what these drugs do is raise levels of serotonin. And by raising levels of serotonin, you suppress the dopamine circuit. Everybody knows that. Dopamine is associated with romantic love. ...
emotionsthatpeopledeliberatelysuppresswilleventually eruptinlifeandbreaktheoriginalpeacefullifeofpeople. Whydogoodpeoplewanttodobadthings?Toanswerthisquestion, youmustseekanswersfromthebottomofyourheart.Thereis amysteriousforcewithintheheartthattemptsmanyself injuriousactsinlife. Weoftenhearsimilarnews:intheOlympicGam...
This is what happens when people suppress their emotions for the sake of faux positivity – all the negative emotions never really go away because they are not dealt with properly. The frustration, disappointment, fear, anxiety, or loneliness simply gets swept under the rug instead of immediately...
From a young age, boys are told not to cry or show any emotions. They grow up learning that to cry is to be weak, and to feel hurt or to express it means they are somehow not “man” enough. Due to this, men tend to suppress their emotions a lot more than women do. ...