which is weird to hear my Black voice over these riffs. You just feel like you can't do it cause no one has seen it, but you might just be on some shit that other people can't
If your only trick is to learn new tricks, then when you're an olde dawg... Cheers and hang in there. tim Reply 1 Kudo by ToriWilbon 07-21-2016 11:19 AM I just do not understand the animation on ArcGIS Pro. It does not look right and I have no idea how to...
Rick was one of the people I called, before I met Brent. I was like, "What do you think of this cat?" He goes, "Brent is a different person, man. He's a different breed of human being." I didn't exactly know what he meant until I met Brent and...
“We don’t do that,” he said, “I’m not dumb enough to do that.” When Bolden told him he was going to be a ‘Dawg, he felt a sense of relief. “It was kind of like a relief a little bit,” he said...
He wants to be just like you man' he likes you more than I do他想要成为你那样的人,他比我更喜欢你I ain't that mad though' I just don't like bein lied to我没那么生气,我只是不喜欢被欺骗Remember when we met in Denver - you said if I'd write you记得我们在丹佛的相遇吗?你说如果我...
a simple Dog in american english can sometime sound Dawg... Geezzzzzz now for the perfect english speaking guys here, which is the best , very clear english do you think is best. American, Canadian or British english... ;)) -5 ( +2 / -7 ) Serrano May 6, 2012 01:38 pm JST...
I love bodybuilding because I meet like minded people who want to get the most out of life. That for me means training six days a week with my two gym partners to get the best from my body. They encourage me to do well, to train hard, to eat correctly. Training at the gym for ...
When too many people start to copy, nerfs come and next round starts. yep this is the main point ppl are missing here. what will the HC ppl do when their freeze mine dont work no more?? i imagine alot of these players using it arent the best at dps... [quote="Mark_GGG"]...
Dani – what did he say? Christmas – he said Cody is neutral Dani – since when .. maybe in his mind. He hasn’t even talked to Cody. Christmas – he did an hour ago Dani – what would you want to do if it was just you ...
I'm Tyler Durdon, start the club is what I'm gon' do Choose a personality and it can tag along too There's a couple streets in Wade county she belong to Hit you from a distance, Charles Whitman that's a long zoom Jennifer be praying for me, I don't see the point though Watch...