Polluted air and steadily rising temperatures are linked to health effects ranging from increased heart attacks and strokes to the spread of infectious diseases and psychological trauma.
Sales of flavoured vapes could soon be severely restricted in the US, ostensibly to protect young people from potential harm. While deterring teenagers from vaping may seem like a step in the right direction, many public health researchers worry that such a move could do more harm th...
"Disturbingly, of the students who use e-cigarettes,48% report that they had not smoked a tobacco cigarette before their first e-cigarette," says Kahlia. "And 25% of students who vape before smoking report later trying tobacco cigarettes." Kahlia and her team also found that people trying t...
Once you’ve managed to do 30 days of qigong (and not before), then you can think about setting a quit date. There’s never a perfect time. You’re going to be an absolute mess for a few weeks after you quit. But you’ve got to do it sooner or later. Remember, this next atte...
Many people that vape or smoke cannabis may not even be aware of that the heat used during vaping/smoking is decarboxylating their cannabinoids. But without decarboxylation, they wouldn't get high. The flame from the burning tip of a joint instantly decarboxylates the cannabinoids, as does the...
So, why is it so darn hard to quit smoking? This article will answer your questions and explain what you can do to be successful to stop smoking.
Some CBD e-liquids have nicotine, whereas the majority do not. Vape pens are available as rechargeable and disposable versions that can be used repeatedly.E-liquids are made up of a base liquid, such as vegetable glycerin or propylene Glycerin, a flavoring and the desired quantity of CBD ...
Why do ZYNs burn? Let’s explore some of the unique factors that may explain why nicotine pouches burn or irritate the gums. It might not be immediately obvious which ones apply to you, so some experimentation may be required. pH level ...
Today's growing toll of deaths and serious illnesses associated with vaping represents just the latest variation on an age-old theme: our propensity to willfully inhale substances that damage our lungs.
They do not really know how their intercompany pricing process works, or how it may compare to an equivalent process between unrelated parties. They have no data to – at least easily – determine gross margins or landed costs. And although they do typically know who they are competing with,...