Why Do We Hunt Whales? Early man huntedwhalesbecause their meat and blubber were able to fulfill his basic survival needs. For thousands of years, the climate was too cold for many people, including the Eskimos and the indigenous people living in Greenland, to grow their own vegetables. Whal...
T he hunters used the moose hide to huntsharks .15 . Which of the following sentences can be put into the blank in the last paragraph ?A. eventually made its way out to sea .B . was rescued by the local people .C. then lay in the deep water .D. attracted lots of people to ...
Why do people usually lose high-pitched hearing before low-pitched hearing as they age? Additionally, explain the anatomy of the inner ear and how it relates to the mechanism of sound transmission. Why does it make sense to be able to localize stimuli better with some...
Thanks to Jaws, they're the ocean's most iconic and feared fish. But we know surprisingly little about them.
Whale sharks are some of the largest creatures in the ocean. Are they sharks, or are they whales? If you would like to learn more about these giants, read on! Related to this QuestionHow did the Inuit hunt whales? How do Inuit hunt whales? How did Eskimos hunt whales? Do circumpolar ...
And they can kill sharks. Most predators take one look, and then just swim away. (然而,海豚比它的价值更麻烦,大多数捕食者通常学会避开海豚群体,包括鲨鱼。像大象一样,海豚会保护团体中弱小的成员,并攻击任何以威胁方式接近的东西。它们还能杀死鲨鱼。大多数掠食者只看一眼,然后就游走了。)”可以推知,...
These sharks may not be specifically trolling for human flesh, but if they were to take a sample bite, they could do some serious damage. While the most aggressive shark may always be the one that's swimming toward you, it's worth remembering that of the hundreds of identified shark ...
” These small schooling fish — such as herring, menhaden, sand lance and sardines — swim near the bottom of the marine food web, meaning that pretty much everything else eats them. Common predators include sea birds, whales, sharks and most of the fish that end up on your dinner ...
Some sharks constantly move while they sleep Certain types of sharks must continuously move, even while they sleep, to keep oxygen flowing through their gills. Some sharks get creative, resting in strategic areas on the ocean floor with strong currents to allow water to naturally flow over their...
Sharks? Where is the largest snake in the world? Growing up to 30 feet long, the reticulated python (Python reticulatus) ofsoutheastern Asia and the East Indiesis the longest snake in the world. These giants have an average weight of 250 pounds, but the largest known specimen in existence ...