If that person then feels uncomfortable or awkward, and that's something you can tell by watching their behaviour – for example, do they change seat, move carriage or get off the train completely? If they do, then you know you’ve discovered a rule. Neil So you find a rule by breakin...
1927. Well done, and extra bonus points if you knew any of those dates. Now it's time for our vocabulary. I hope it doesn't make you feel awkward, but you can you start, Dan?
1. awkward: /‘ɔːkwəd/adj making you feel embarrassed so that you are not sure what to do or say 令人尴尬的,使人难堪的; n. awkwardness/'ɔ:kwədnis/ e.g.There was an awkward moment when she didn’t know whether to shake his hand or kiss his cheek. 她不知道是该跟他...
Transcript Note: This is not a word for word transcript Neil Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I'm Neil. Dan And I'm Dan. Neil Now then, Dan, do you ever feel awkward? Dan Awkward? Neil Yes, feeling uncomfortable, embarrassed or self-conscious in a social situation where somethin...
Why Do I Feel Awkward with Boys? 英语学习学习方法阅读对话Cindy最近有件事很困惑.就是她一到男生面前,就变得很不自在.不知道怎样跟他们谈话交流.曾经自己还跟他们一起嬉笑玩耍,为什么现在却变得"扭捏"起来了?Cindy心中很是不解,Brad对此又有何建议?Brad Franklin无VIP英语沙龙:锋尚...
Why We Sleep by:EveryOtherDay 1780 Why We're Polarized by:纯Borgia 635 Why We Sleep配书 by: 1209 Why We Get Sick by:君墨篱 255 Why Do Leaves Change Color by:Matchbox火柴盒子 25 What We Do-Le Boom by:情迷电音 88 24.We Do Have It ...
Sometimes. I remember always feeling very awkward watching TV with my parents if there was an explicit love scene. You know, people canoodling. 有时会。我记得和父母看电视时,如果有露骨的爱情场景,总是会觉得很尴尬。你知道,他们在爱抚拥抱。
There is something soothing about this kind of prescriptive advice, especially because it’s so often backed by the sweet certainty of studies. Do exactly this, this and this, and you’ll never feel awkward again! And yet in ...
When you’re first starting out in a new job, it can feel awkward. Even if you have effective onboarding, you might not be sure what to say, who to talk to, or how to figure out what you need to know. And you’re not alone. Most people struggle with discomfort in the first few...