I dislike raiding generally and M+ specifically but I can recognize that they are high-quality content no matter what I think of them. It would be nice if more could see their way to that sort of perspective as well. I do have a lot of problems with the game which ...
and it’s not something I outright hate either (those I wouldn’t do. I decided to buy the fractal stuff I needed off the TP, all 140g of it, because I still loathe that game mode and the dislike deepens further with every new fractal I’ve never tried and ever-...
In my experience, most people who didn’t take to AtLA like Korra while people who loved AtLA a lot dislike Korra. My nieces and nephew who watched them back to back think they are both great shows and shouldn’t be compared. I think without nostalgia and the comparison, Korra gets a...
As much as Power Block can be really annoying to play against, a lot of the frustration comes from people not wanting to actually use their brain because ANet got people used to having so many instant/passive sustain options. 8 Entro...
I do know that Anet can measure what people are doing and what they spend money on though. That will tell them where to focus development. I don't really understand whatever point you are trying to make here. Maybe you are just agreeing with me somehow?
wait for the leaders to explain everything to the new people, and perform the roles/functions you’re used to do, and finally guild missions – just show up to marvel at how 50+ people are herded from place to place without losing -too- many people, and try not to watch the clock ...
Through the years, Nickelback has been a bit of a conundrum — as it became mainstream culturally to dislike them, they simultaneously racked up awards and became the best-selling foreign music group in the U.S. of the 2000s, behind only The Beatles. ...