But in the end, says Kathleen, the solution isn't "finding a cure" for ADHD. Instead it's about "living in a society that is more novel, inclusive, and more supportive of people living their lives in a way that works for them". Anyone feeling emotionally distressed or ...
An example is Luke 9:54, it records James and John wanting to call down fire to consume a Samaritan village as recompense for the Samaritans’ rejection of Jesus. I suspect that there were other unrecorded occasions when the brothers may have vocalized their zeal for Jesus, albeit in a mi...
takes over and overrides confidence. Fear of unknowns, fear of abandonment, fear of loneliness, fear of everything this world can throw upon the shoulders of even the most proclaimed Christian. Many people declare Christ, yet many do not truly believe Christ is stronger than their own will an...
“Believe me, woman, the hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22 You people worship what you do not understand;
the software that underpins the internet aren’t strangers to the idea of little pay or recognition, but the realization that they were now being hunted by well-resourced spies pretending to be Good Samaritans was “incredibly intimidating,” said Arasaratnam, of the Open Source Security ...
The Samaritans (An ethnic group from 30AD) had that reputation too – Suspect. Considered lower life forms. Some people would actually cross the street to avoid one of them. Except for one Samaritan who changed forever how people thought of him by going out of his way to help a fellow ...
Myths are often regarded as simple falsehoods, as being about people or gods that have never existed or events that never happened. But regardless of their historicity, the important part about myths is the fundamental truths that they convey to a community, then and even now. This is especia...
journals, tallying how many times certain words appear in order to understand people's minds in the fog of depression and suicidal thinking. What they haven't been able to do, however, is perform that analysis on a large scale and quickly gather information about people's everyday ...
i avoid people as much as possible. they are generally disappointing. read literature, go to art galleries and concerts, and experience the wonder that the few good people do instead. i take a different view to that. i have come across some people who have 'good vibes'. 6 black mamba78...
2. They want to help others all the time. A good man won’t only try to help you—they will do whatever they can to help other people too. Which is noble and all…you can’t deny that. But when they are giving so much of their time and energy to others, they sometimes fail to...