Thanks to a decision made more than 400 years ago, not all Christians observe the holiday on December 25.
What is the day of worship for Judaism? What's Good Friday? What day is the Sabbath on the Jewish calendar? Why do Orthodox Jews use the Julian calendar? What holidays do Muslims celebrate? Why is Tammuz on the Hebrew calendar?
Seen on 4Chan, this next one is a purported leak of the Trump plan for annexing Canada. If real, and not just Trump trolling, it turns out we do not want the whole thing, and my opinion of the plan just went up about ten notches. The only thing I would add to it is invade up...
Why Should We Hold Fast to the Confessions of the Orthodox Church Even in these Times with Steadfast Loyalty?Walther, C. F. W
Like Chesterton, and other orthodox Christian writers who substituted faith for artistic rigour [Tolkien] sees the petit bourgeoisie, the honest artisans and peasants, as the bulwark against Chaos. These people are always sentimentalized in such fiction because traditionally, they are always the last...
Russian Orthodox August 14, 2009 @ 1:14 am Dear RZN Family, God Bless you all and give you excellent health both spiritual and physical, and please do not forget that these two are interconnected. I want to share with you great recipe of great Avicenna for natural cure of hepatitis. ...
Since Pay Pal succombed to the ADL’s threats and banned RJN, I and my Web Manager spent two days searching and then many hours, formating the new Donate feature. Please consider making a donation as running this site and the overall ministry is very costly. Bless you all and do keep ...
There is no doubt that Rolf paid dearly for his dealings with Germany during the war. A fine of 5,000 kroner—now equivalent to about 100,000 kroner or 11,500 U.S. dollars—was what stung him least. The loss of income from patent rights was considerably.
Advent is normally a period of four Sundays and weeks before Christmas. In many Orthodox and Eastern Catholics Churches Advent lasts for 40 days, starting on November 15th. In Orthodox Churches which celebrate Christmas on 7th January, Advent start on 28th November!
After 40 days, he was allowed to leave the transit zone, and he has remained in Russia for the nine years since. . . . Mr. Snowden has said he has not cooperated with Russian intelligence services while in Moscow, and that he hopes to someday return to the United States. ...