After a bump, we can expect a bruise. But what if we find ourselves bruising without any noticeable cause? What might be behind it? Should we worry? Around18%of adults report easy bruising. As hematologists (blood doctors), we are often asked for advice when people are worried they might...
to do so with ulterior motives, or, even worse, I find myself apologizing for who I am in a way that is disrespectful and unkind to myself. None of these really serve me or my relationships, nor are they very authentic apologies. ...
In severe cases in older people, it might refer to minor contracture — that is, “freezing” in a shortened position, the muscle tissue actually changed. ⤻Nakale NT, Strydom A, Saragas NP, Ferrao PNF. Association Between Plantar Fasciitis and Isolated Gastrocnemius Tightness. Foot Ankle ...
(2)(3) Comfrey roots are the most powerful, followed by young leaves, with older leaves considered the least powerful. Of course, you don’t just rub roots or leaves on whatever area you’re trying to address. Most often, the therapeutic compounds in comfrey are infused into a carrier ...
I got married and came here to work for our head office in South Korea and I’ve experienced the same thing; we always get masks to put on so that we do not take bad air here, we need to be awared of crazy traffic (Vietnamese people don’t seem to take care of pedestrians (Ca...
Princess Diana and Playmate Marilyn Monroe both were born on the first of the month and died at the age of 36 in August. They both married on the 29th of the month to men twelve years older. Marilyn called herself the Queen of Diamonds and Diana the Queen of Hearts. ...