These are the most common causes of vaginal pain, according to OB-GYNs—from endometriosis, infections like STIs, to menopause—and what to do about them.
To give your knees relief, limit the amount of time you spend with your knees bent or crossed. Try to have them straight whenever possible. If you have to sit with your knees crossed or bent, limit it to 20 minutes at a time before getting up and moving around. How do you train you...
These all lead us down the road to chronic pain. Just check out my “Why Cavemen Never Had Backpain” post.Look at the pictures of people’s posture in the 1800s and 1900s compared to now.It’s scary. A lot has changed in the last hundred years. We really do need to treat health...
Don’t pull them higher than they’re meant to go (for example, don’t pull knee-high socks over your knees) and don’t roll them up either, because that will create extra pressure at the points where they’re rolled together. The same goes for folding the top down. I bought my ...
Example:You told me to meet you at the bar. Things hadn’t been going well, but I couldn’t put my finger on what exactly was wrong. Did you plan on breaking my heart that night? We locked eyes as I walked through the entrance, and I knew things were coming to an end. ...
It’s far easier to appreciate the level of freedom we have right now, before pursuing more. This has been my biggest lesson. There is absolutely a time for actions, progress, a time for being down on our knees planting seeds. However, we need tobe mindfulof when it’s time to pause...
so adding the half inch ensures that they stay covered. Comfrey root will stay at the bottom so it’s easy to tell how much to add, but comfrey leaves float and that can make things a bit more challenging. What I do is use my thumb to mark the top of the dried comfrey in the ja...
there must be more reasons why we do so. There must be something glorious about dancing that is more than just intangible; it must be almost imperceptible. We cannot seem to explain it, yet we all know it so well that we do not hesitate to tap our feet to a Gershwin melody or pulse...
Lucy’sface hardFenella cried out completesincerity “You go down pathyou never meant youwouldonly understand why—”“I’ll never understand Lucysaid wasi