Furthermore, if such a stage is trimmed for minimum offset voltage it will inherently have minimum offset drift. Its main disadvantage stems from the proportionality of the emitter and base currents of the transistors; if the emitter current is large enough for the stage to have a reasonable ...
Microprocessors and transistors are DC devices. These surges can and do shut down systems which dont have computers running them. When a lightning strike occurs the air is filled with static electricity which is why UPS systems exist for when you get a power fail or brown out. Very often ...
But it's not that way, and most prospec- tive purchasers will have to pay a bench tech- nician a couple of hundred bucks to have it assembled and tested. Making the Connection So why would you do this? Well, I own three phono sections: an old Stax SR-14; an older Sumiko; and ...
Peterson, however, claims that the nervous systems of humans and lobsters are in fact so similar that antidepressants work on lobsters. One such drug, Prozac,has been shownto block serotonin uptake into serotonergic nerve terminals in lobsters. So yes, because the molecule is the same and the ...
Three of the most basic classes are Class A, Class AB and Class B. As shown in the following figure, these modes correspond to biasing the transistor at the quiescent voltage-current points indicated by markers m2, m3 and m4 for PA classes A, AB and B, respectively. You can also cons...
So it seems so far like we do kind of actually understand the brain, right? But then why did that professor ask that question—If everything you need to know about the brain is a mile, how far have we walked in this mile?—and say the answer was three inches? Well here’s the th...