Most kids who vape do so infrequently or for a short period of time, says Warner. Frequent vaping ismore commonamong students who are current or former smokers, in which case, switching to e-cigarettes would probably improve their health too, says Kozlowski. “I don’t want any ...
Learn qigong ASAP. If you’re not going to learn it right this instant, then schedule a time to learn it. I’m serious.If you finish this article without scheduling a time, then no matter how good your intentions, you won’t do it.So put it on your calendar right now. You first ...
For those folks, tough love is absolutely the best medicine — although it’s hard to administer sometimes. I know. It’s just like punishing your kids. It’s necessary sometimes, but it takes courage to do it. (I know my kids still have trouble understanding that — just as ...
In October, 1.5% of middle school and high school students reported using nicotine pouches in the previous 30 days, according to the2023 National Youth Tobacco Surveyconducted by the FDA and CDC. “The FDA remains concerned about any tobacco product that may appeal to youth,” said Brian King...