Funny you mentioned this: Emigrants were the peaceniks of the sixties leaving the US to avoid the draft. Had Ford pardoned them along with Nixon, he...
Why do Jews and Muslims fight over the Haram Al-Sharif? Why did Claudius have Saint Valentine arrested? Why did the Roman Senate support Augustus? Why did Mexicans rebel against President Porfirio Diaz? Why did Oliver Cromwell refuse the crown?
But I really do feel that. I think that in recent years, there's been a tendency - particularly in the UK, but also elsewhere - for a kind of disengagement between academe on the one hand and offices on the other hand. And I have noticed that a lot of very clever people in sc...
First, it's helpful to understand that the United States receives more immigrant visa applications than any other country in the world. Therefore, it’s normal that processing times across the board are high. Most of the time it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with your application or ...