Why do the Jews hate Jesus Christ so much that they stop their ears from hearing about Him, and now stopping everyone else’s ears as well? I will tell you.The Jews hate Jesus Christ because they do not like being in a position of “weakness.” For one to come to Jesus Christ he ...
It is more simple than you real eyes. Government is not a thing, it is a 'concept turned belief which for some odd reason humanity believes in. You can't spell belief without a lie btw. Once humanity realizes government is just one of three sources of control, people will no longer be...
It’s unclear if these findings are correlative or causal – it’s likely that many of the benefits that come from believing in God arise not from beliefsper sebut from strong social ties that religious communities do such a good job of fostering. Whatever the case, this research should make...
This means both that God has no elements and that nothing makes God complete. But it also means that the comprehension of otherness is a native attribute of oneness.Everything changes, except thatGod does not change, but His Word, who began to do God's will from before the beginning, ...
Kennedy responded with a snap of wit: “I’m sure the people of Dallas are glad when afternoon comes.” Kennedy was still thinking of his encounter with Dealey when he spoke later that year of people who “call for ‘a man on horseback’ because they do not trust the people. They ...
Why people do not believe in evolution has no simple answer. (Williams2009) I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome direction, the remedy is not to ...
Why people do not believe in evolution has no simple answer. (Williams2009) I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome direction, the remedy is not to ...
to learn that another ancient culture also uses dogs in their derogatory remarks, the Jewish ...
But…whether or not they are judged here on earth by a court of law…I do my very best in human terms to show forgive ness…The last word rests with God. Gordon was misunderstood and ridiculed by many because of his stand, but he says that without having made a decision to ...
Is Klingsor not a kind of Master of the Matrix, manipulating virtual reality, a combination of Murdoch and Bill Gates? And when we pass from Act II to Act III, do we not effectively pass from the fake virtual reality to the "desert of the real," the "waste land" in the aftermath ...