Why do rich people use credit cards when they can afford to pay expensive things at once? Why some companies go public (IPO) while they can raise funds from financial institutions such as Bank? Why do so many criminals who operate U.S. financial institutions never go to jail,...
Why do so many criminals who operate U.S. financial institutions never go to jail, but rather are allowed to settle with the SEC? Why does non-banking financial institution accept deposits but not demand deposits? Should financial institutions invest in junk bonds? Explain. ...
Why do loopholes exist? Loopholes existbecause it is impossible to foresee every circumstance or course of conduct that will arise under, or in response to, the law. Loopholes often endure for a time because they can be difficult to close. Those who benefit from a loophole will lobby legislat...
County Jail to bond Jackie out. It’s a long shot, nearly a silhouette, and without even seeing her face, we know that Jackie is tired. Another iconic needle drop hits: the sexy stroll of Bloodstone’s “Natural High,” a song that we can rightly guess ...
jail for doing this. These highly respected medical workers are telling the world that these COVID shots are so dangerous that they are willing to risk 10 years in prison to avoid taking the shot. That’s the message America needs to hear. And if Biden were an honest Pres...
Where I come from, if you don't pay back your debts, you get beaten up, shamed, and thrown in jail. Only in America dopeople save so little, borrow so much, and have the audacity not to pay back a person or institution who lent them money in good faith. ...
Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Podcast:Play in new window|Download|Embed A listener writes in with a straightforward (but important) question: why do I use the term “scamdemic”? Here’s my (equally important and meticulously documented) answer!
So Jews changed the rules, cancelled valid massive losing contracts at the CBOT, and the Hunts went to jail and were bankrupted. When (((Goldman Sachs))) cornered and commandeered the worlds copper and aluminium supply ten years ago (and other metals), the world said nothing, even though...
The Fed’s stimulus through asset price inflation isn’t going to “resolve” unless markets come down hard – bonds, stocks, homes, cryptos, and a million other speculative vehicles. Those markets have been inflated to a mind-boggling extent, and some of this inflated wealth is going to...
“If we look at all of those pieces, the concessions, the parking, the fact is those things won’t exist without Motley Crue doing the show. Now we look at the deals on the side of Motley Crue, they understand that and Live Nation understands that.”...