“If you don’t have buy-in from the top of the organization, and you’re just focused on checking boxes, that’s a little bit different than leading with security and saying everything that we do needs to have a security focus,” says President and CEO Rohana Meade of Synergy...
“Why do you want to work here?”并不局限于面试,你可能会在校园招聘会,社交网络,偶遇闲谈等等情况下被问到这个问题。和往期我们谈到的个人介绍一样,这个看似闲聊的小问题实则充满心计。如若答错,轻则扣印象分,重则直接出局。是时候准备一个回答的套路了! 错误思路:“It's Not About You”. 当被问到为什么...
In this episode, we decided that some recent survey results and developments in cybersecurity made us decide that the wait-and-see approach that we have for 5G no longer makes sense in our cyber dangerous world. What can you do where seemingly no one else cares a...
“If you don’t have buy-in from the top of the organization, and you’re just focused on checking boxes, that’s a little bit different than leading with security and saying everything that we do needs to have a security focus,” says President and CEO Rohana Meade of Synergy Technical...
“If you don’t have buy-in from the top of the organization, and you’re just focused on checking boxes, that’s a little bit different than leading with security and saying everything that we do needs to have a security focus,” says President and CEO Rohana Meade of Synergy Technical...
“If you don’t have buy-in from the top of the organization, and you’re just focused on checking boxes, that’s a little bit different than leading with security and saying everything that we do needs to have a security focus,” says President and CEO Rohana Meade of Synergy...
Learn more To learn more about Microsoft Security solutions,visit our website. Bookmark theSecurity blogto keep up with our expert coverage on security matters. Also, follow us at@MSFTSecurityfor the latest news and updates on cybersecurity....
AI eliminates the tedious part of the threat detection job, allowing IT professionals to focus on the sophisticated set of tasks machines can’t quite yet learn to do well. When it comes to putting together the right tools for your clients’ cybersecurity needs, it’s essential that you ...
What's your reaction when someone has got into your private space? How awful? Do you think that you are completely secure in this digital world? My answer is No. Let's go ahead and just get a bit of stuff on Cyber Security.What is Cyber Security?
get it, insurance companies are requiring certain cybersecurity measures. If you don’t already have some cyber defense strategies in place, you probably won’t be able to get that insurance. If you do, you’ll have a minimum of responsibility to maintain for that insurance to be effective....