If it's hot but not humid, your heart rate will still be elevated because of the extra work the heart must do to help cool your body. In these conditions, your heart rate could be 5–10 beats above normal ranges. No need to sweat, though: you can use your heart rate withperceived...
Benefits of a workout log Some may ask, “Why do I need a workout log?” You may have exercised for years without using one and feel content with your approach. However, there are some great benefits to using a training diary, which may help boost your workouts and take your fitness ...
The more you sweat, the less fit you are—we’ve all heard that. This comes from the idea that those who aren’t very active need to work harder in order to reach the same level of intensity as those who are. In actuality, the more you workout, the more likely you are to produce...
Plus, you get all those muscles-on-fire, sweat-dripping HIIT workout benefits in a fraction of the time. Aside from being good for your heart (ahem, cardio), there are quite a few other benefits of HIIT training. 1. Improve your VO2 max If you’re out of breath within the ...
Sweating a lot during your workout is completely normal. If you’re asking yourself,“Why do I sweat so muchandso easilywhen I exercise?” The answer is usually pretty simple. You’re hot. No, we aren’t complimenting your physique; you’re literally hot. When you exercise, your body ...
Make sure to wash your workout clothes after every workout because sweaty gym clothes are a bacteria-breeding ground! 17: I'm also worried that swearing so much makes me, well…stinky! Can I prevent that? Dr Sobel: The odor from sweat comes when bacteria on the skin's surface breaks ...
Why do I sweat more now that I'm older? Hormonal changes, changes in sweat gland function, and an overall slowing of bodily functions can cause excessive sweating in some people as they age. Sometimes sweating more as you age is a sign of an underlying health condition or a symptom of ...
When your sweat breaks down and mixes with bacteria, it can also cause gross discolorations or yellowing of your clothing materials, which is why you might want to steer clear of light-colored workout wear. And then, of course, there’s acne. But before you jump to the conclusion that ...
Do you consider yourself a sweater? Maybe you’ve looked around a workout class at others—during the warm-up—and asked, “Why do I sweat so easily?” or found yourself drenched after a seemingly easy walk around the block. Read to find out why it happens and how you can cool down...
Sweat:Sweat consists of mostly water along with some metabolic waste and electrolytes. Sweat is excreted from sudoriferous glands in the dermis of the skin and play a key role in temperature regulation.Answer and Explanation: The main reason we sweat is to cool our body temperature down ...