“Why do I sweat so muchandso easilywhen I exercise?” The answer is usually pretty simple. You’re hot. No, we aren’t complimenting your physique; you’re literally hot. When you exercise, your body heats up, triggering a sweat response....
Why do some people sweat more than others? What are the downsides of sweat? What can you do about sweating so much? Part of the fun of summer running is complaining about theheat. Oh, you ran a 10-miler in yesterday’s 90-degree temps? I’ll one-up you with myhalf marathonin 85 ...
It's not "no big deal." Experts say that excessive sweating can significantly impact a person's quality of life, so it's important to address any and all concerns you have around your level of sweat. Medications for diabetes and thyroid disease, as well as certain high blood pressure and...
Why Do I Sweat So Much at Night? ASK THE DOCTOR
If you're wondering why you sweat so much, then read on for expert insight into what's up, plus, how to get it under control.
17: Is it actually normal for me to sweat so much—or at least, more than my friends? Dr Sobel: Believe it or not, sweating is actually good for you—it prevents heat exhaustion and heat stroke, which happen when the body overheats. Sweat on the skin cools down the body as it ...
Do you feel like you sweat too during your workout? Find out what's normal—and what's not!—from a dermatologist!
There are a number of scenarios that can make us sweat: 有很多场合会让我们流汗: eating spicy foods, 吃辛辣的食物 nervousness, 紧张 and when we're sick. 生病时 But exercise is probably the most familiar and common. 但运动可能最熟悉、最常见 In that case, sweating happens as a response to...
(PSA: If you’re wondering, “Why do I sweat so much on my face?” spicy food could be the answer. When you consume a fiery meal, you’re most likely to notice your neck and head sweating.) 6. You Exercise A Lot Here’s some good news: If you struggle with excessive sweating,...
The more public speaking you do, the easier it becomes. You'll be less anxious, so you'll sweat less. You can also practice ahead of time to gain confidence, and try relaxation techniques before your next one. Some people have an extreme reaction to anxiety, including excessive underarm ...