Why do my husband's farts smell so bad? Foods with high sulfur composition, such as red meat, milk, or plant-based proteins, are the culprits of producing the foul odor. When we feed the bacteria in our gut high-protein foods, they produce a sulfur gas, which makes your farts noxious...
Why does my fart smell sweet? Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable gas that smells like rotten eggs at low concentration levels in the air. It is commonly known as sewer gas, stink damp, and manure gas. At high concentration levels, it hasa sickening sweet odor. How many radishes pe...
The problem isn’t just a lack of toilets—it’s a lack of toilets that people want to use. The result: millions of deaths and disease-stunted lives.
Speaking to theBBC, one former abattoir worker went on to describe the less-than-ideal working conditions in slaughterhouses: “They are filthy, dirty places. There’s [sic] animal feces on the floor, you see and smell the guts, and the walls are covered in blood.” Although it sounds ...
Are you ready to banish that pesky shower onion smell once and for all? Start by cleaning the area around your drain. A mold/mildew remover will do the trick. Then, tounclog your drain, use a bottle of drain cleaner to get rid of hair and other debris. If the odor disappears after ...