FULL PASSIVE RAGE BUILD! - B2GM 18:19 维拉Valla Strafe - EVILZERGLING BRONZE 5 SQUAD VS GOLD-PLAT 5 STACK ROUND 2! -B2GM 15:21 半藏Hanzo Dragonstrike - BEHOLD THE MIGHT OF THE DRAGOOOON! - B2GM 20:49 露娜拉 Lunara Leaping Strike - THE RARE GOOD FAKE DAMAGE GAME! - B2GM 17:16...
FULL PASSIVE RAGE BUILD! - B2GM 18:19 维拉Valla Strafe - EVILZERGLING BRONZE 5 SQUAD VS GOLD-PLAT 5 STACK ROUND 2! -B2GM 15:21 半藏Hanzo Dragonstrike - BEHOLD THE MIGHT OF THE DRAGOOOON! - B2GM 20:49 露娜拉 Lunara Leaping Strike - THE RARE GOOD FAKE DAMAGE GAME! - B2GM 17:16...
Lindsay Dodgson
You can dance around the terminology and canon all you like to try and make your product sound unique, but much like the monkey-rage-virus-infected humans in 28 Days Later, we all know exactly what they are. In total, we saw eight “big ticket” games at this year’s E3 that ...
Even if a mobile game requires money upfront, it is usually cheaper than its console counterpart. For instance, at the time of writing, Streets of Rage 4 was $24.99 on the PlayStation Store, but the same game was $4.99 on the App Store. In that scenario, I prefer the cheaper mobile...
As if it’s his fault that his audience couldn’t tell that his performance was a performance; as if it’s his fault that they fly into the rage of Caliban as soon as he holds up a mirror. It’s worth asking, though – why this story? Why this particular form? As always, there...
I got lit up so hard and called a brain dead tart jabrony among other things... oh it’s not like we even wiped either. I have never seen such a level of insults/toxicity/rage quitting over even minor events in dungeons. I got my raider.io to 1123 so far on my own... but ...
" and initiates the kiss that drives Kocoum into a jealous rage. In some ways, it is a relief to see Smith helpless and wounded at the end of the film. For the first time, Pocahantas is able to tower over him; it is he who asks her whether she will come with him, and ...
“He’s big into story games, and I’m always trying to get him to playUncharted. I’m like it’sIndiana Jones, you’d appreciate this,” Max explained. “And he’s like, ‘I can’t do controllers. I can only do keyboard and mouse.’” ...
People are just mostly clueless how to fight against one and they rage as this post exemplifies 🙂 I loved mechanist as my entry into this game, I like the theme and that it has a flatter learning curve, I would have quit pvp right away if I had to learn to pvp on tempest 😄...