Losing people (失人) refers to missing the opportunity to talk to someone you should have. Confucius said "可与言而不与之言,失人" - if you can speak with someone but do not, you have lost that person. This means that sometimes we can directly communicate with certain people, but due ...
我来写短评 热门 << 首页< 前页后页 > >Why Does He Do That? 作者:Lundy Bancroft 副标题:Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men isbn:0425191656 书名:Why Does He Do That? 页数:432 定价:USD 16.00 出版社:Berkley Trade 装帧:Paperback ...
People may lack empathy due to the environment they were raised in. They may have grown up with parents who could not regulate their emotions and showed very little compassion towards them. They may have also experienced difficult situations in life that caused them to lack empathy and behave t...
“The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstance they want, and if they cannot find them, make them.” Such is the remark made by Bernard Shaw, a great writer. This view has been shared now by more and more people. I’m very glad to rec...
It’s worth understanding why people may sometimes be reluctant to provide an apology, even if their behavior merits one. Here are a few of the most likely reasons for their hesitancy. 1. A lack of connection Perhaps the biggest reason we don't apologize has to do with the lack ...
are involved in empathy for pain. To really empathize with your pain, I need to experience it myself. That is what the mirror neurons are doing. They help me to feel your pain. I experience the same pain as if someone were to hurtmedirectly. That is the basis for all empathy.” ...
This gives rise to secondary characteristics such as a lack of empathy and emotion, self-centredness, and inability to form authentic relationships. The Need for Power and Wealth One major characteristic of hyper-disconnected people—or psychopaths, if you prefer—is their compulsive need for power...
Many serial killers and mass murderers fall into this designation -- they kill because they lack the inhibitions and empathy the rest of us possess. What about acts of genocide? How do societies justify wiping out an entire subsection of people? According to a hypothesis posed by Ervin Staub...
They Display a Lack of Empathy in Interactions When people lack empathy, they have a hard time understanding how others feel. This can make interactions more tense and lead to misunderstandings. Without empathy, they might say or do things that seem insensitive. This lack of consideration can ma...
Victim blaming may occur because people are motivated to see the world as a just place. Lack of empathy for victims is another factor that can increase blame. Source: Liza Summer/Pexels Victims ofcrimeand other negative events can sometimes become targets of hostility and blame, where others as...