I have a perfect example of myself. I normally would feel offended when it comes to my accent and pronunciation. That’s because I feel insecure about my accent. I feel like there’s something wrong with it but just don’t know how to get rid of it. So, when people say something a...
Why Well Fans Are Going to Be Easily Offended; Higdon Ban Farce Means Lunny Will Be SwampedDaily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
Have you ever wondered why other guys are able to talk to women so easily and without any problems, but for some reason women get offended when talking to you all the time. After getting such a bad reaction from women for so long, it has changed you. Now, whenever you talk to a bea...
“People are increasingly easily offended in part because they are being bombarded with negative terminology in the news. Buzz words and terms like ‘dangerous, unethical, harmful’ etc. are thrown in headlines more often in the news for shock value and to get more readers on a topic. Negativ...
With this state of mind, you do not take things personally and do not get offended by what people say or do. It is a state of mental relaxation, patience, tranquility, and poise. This state of mind fosters patience, self-discipline, serenity, contentment, and peace of mind. ...
My mortgage pain post was shared around the web and I ended up having a good dialogue with a loan officer. He shared with me some frank insights as to why it'sso hard to get a mortgage nowadays. If you are easily offended, I suggest skipping this post. But if you can handle the...
Fischoeder is taken aback and offended by this development: "Oh, I get it. Just because I'm a landlord, and I wear a white suit and an eye patch, and I raise your rent and ride around and throw firecrackers at you, I'm the bad guy." When he and Bob have a one on one, he...
So, most insecure people try to mask their anxiety with habitual behaviors that don’t work. They do things that get them the exact opposite of what they crave—love and acceptance. If you wonder why you are insecure, there was probably a time in your childhood when someone significant, or...
The argumentative jerking of the hands, the singing tone of voice, and the nose, that physiognomic principium individuationis, which writes the individual’s peculiarity on his face.’ I think when people are outraged by political hypocrisy – why do you condemn our side’s bad actions, but...
And Chris, you better not stop helping me, as you have taught me a lot and I continue to learn. And please don't be offended if I don't do it your way, which at times are way over my head causing glazed eyes. I've said it before, I normally don't live in VFP, but have...