Mark Twain said, “Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” There is a limit to how much anger we can bear, and we may have reached it. We should wonder: does this really help to sell cereal?...
What is Sohai? It is a cantonese word used in Malaysia. The direct translation means "stupid cunt" which we do cuss it here alot in Australia. What does XMM mean? So what is a XMM, and why are guys obsessed with them? XMM, or 'xiao mei mei', means 'little sister' or 'little g...
People are very vested in sports games and feel great joy and satisfaction from watching their favourite teams win. The main reason is that it gives people a chance to participate somehow. You can judge how players perform, or you can yell and cuss at the referee. You can even come up w...
A cuss is a weapon in schools, thrown out in the middle of a lesson to shock, disrupt, amuse or aggravate. When it happens, everyone knows that a line has been crossed, and everyone wants to know this: what, as the teacher, are you going to do about it? The answer to that ...
Ultimately, this allows people to come back energized and more excited to do their jobs. The policy also improves team morale and helps build a sense of unity as workers often take trips together. Douglas added that employees recognize the added benefits they get and they reciprocate with loyalt...
Cantonese is not as well documented for those with English mother-tongue, however it's not too hard to learn. Start with cusswords,a s they roll off the tongue so much easier than Mandarin cusswords.that
things to do but I didn’t realise that between the two of them, it would kill my research,” she said. “I find it quite weird that I sort of morphed into being an advocate. I get quite nervous sometimes about reading social science research and thinking, am I getting this ...
United StatesIts a great tale of a man of his times. It reminds you sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you. I would just ask why he had to use so many cuss words. United StatesIn addition to being written by those most dude of dudes, the Coen Brothers, specifically...
My husband has learned this, although he doesn’t cuss and is nine years older than me. No time for niceties. No time to lose. I really don’t like cuss words, but I do use them too much, although not in the classroom. I was an adjunct, after all, and I had to be on my ...
For this case study on negative people, let’s talk about the negative person who makes you feel like you’re always to blame, it’s always your fault and nothing you do is ever right! Most likely after many of your encounters with this person, you end up feeling g...