“Well, I am sure I do lots of things no one else does,”comfortable with you as no other man, my sexuality spilling out around us like toxic waste,“plus, I like to touch things that I want to put into my mouth,”my smile turning into an experiment as my eyes meet yours, my h...
B: Well, I’m in trouble in my math class. I think math is difficult. I really don’t understand it at all, so I’m thinking of giving up.A: Oh, you shouldn’t do that! 【5】 B: That’s very kind of you.A.But that’s not all.B.I’ll try my best to help you.C....
Why do so few people find fulfillment in their work? Amy Wrzesniewski, a Yale School of Management professor who studies these issues, offered an explanation that made a lot of 1. "Students", she said, "think their calling is under a rock, and if they 2 enough rocks, they will find...
It really depends on the day. It sucks sometimes, but sometimes you feel strong enough. Even right now, I play this song to myself. I had to meet with someone the other day and I put it on in my headphones before going into the room to feel stronger, to feel good about myself....
6Now, brothers and sisters, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, “Do not go beyond what is written.” Then you will not be puffed up in being a follower of one of us over against the other....
My love of hiking started when I was young. My grandfather was a lover of nature and he used to drag me on long walks while explaining the world around us. Like many, I rebelled as a teenager and stopped hiking. I was late in my twenties before I start a
So I just do what I can, where I am. Although some might think two months is a long time to spend somewhere, it’s not. I suspect I could spend a lifetime discovering Tokyo alone, let alone Japan as a country. This is simply my impression of the place given my time here, and ...
Eisa Davis:We have an aesthetic kinship. You hear it in all of Lin's work. It's stuff that I've tried to do in my work, which is to bring in this kind of hybridity of genre, bring in things that you wouldn't expect, whether it's like a kind of musical way. ...
I’d given myself a simple mission: be around as many dynamic, aggressive, assertive people as possible, to learn to do what they can, and to test yourself by having them constantly leaning on you to get their way and learn how to deal with that to hold strong without giving in. ...
If you can climb a mountain, you can do anything. While not technically true, the mantra still goes through my head constantly during a hike. Reaching the top of a mountain (any mountain) is an impressive physical, mental, and emotional accomplishment. And it is motivating. It reminds me ...