“Name one genius who ain’t crazy,” Kanye demanded on The Life of Pablo’s “Feedback.” Genius is the only yardstick by which he measures himself—“I’m doing pretty good as far as geniuses go,” he insisted on Graduation’s “Barry Bonds.” But maybe geniuses make for bad role...
From the geniuses in Robot Chicken's writers room, witness how far Miss Frizzle will go to survive when the Magic School Bus crashes! Harry Potter relives his golden years. Dominic Toretto gets fast and furious with the Titanic. EP9Ext. Forest - Day ...
I suppose the only people now welcome on LI are ones who are geniuses at short Tweets or constructing interview questions. I happen to be a person who enjoys researching, sharing and discussing published information with peers. Neal Schaffer December 10, 2013 / 9:44 pm Wow … #speechless....
So the bottom line is, maybe it was where to go to work, and you met the love of your life there, a career decision. I know the Google geniuses I saw here -- I mean, I understand that their decision was to sell their technology. What if they made that decision versus to build t...
So the bottom line is, maybe it was where to go to work, and you met the love of your life there, a career decision. I know the Google geniuses I saw here -- I mean, I understand that their decision was to sell their technology. What if they made that decision versus to ...
polymath, influential artist and autodidact. From his mid-thirties, Da Vinci kept copious notes. We know from those notes that despite his deep curiosity about many things, he did not show the same curiosity for himself. He did not introspect. Some people are just like that, geniuses ...
Imagining “such a team of evil geniuses,” Saulson says, “became laughable.” So, everyone conceded, the signal must be real—two black holes colliding. “In the end,” he says, “it was a sociological argument.” We often overestimate our ability to explain things. It’s called the...
I get asked at a local meeting for hackers, program- mers, and other likeminded geniuses. "My phone?" I ask the observer. "No, your hand, that weird lump by your thumb," he replies. "Oh, that's my implant. It's an NFC tag." I get a confused look back. You know those ...
When investing geniuses David and Tom Gardner have an investing tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade,Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has tripled the market.* David and Tom just revealed what they believe are theÂten best stocksfor investors to...
The story structure is so weak and the jokes so mindless, the film somehow leaves viewers feeling dumb. That's ironic considering its characters are supposed to be geniuses. 'Short Circuit II' (1988) TriStar Pictures 'Short Circuit II' (1988) ...