That in turn means that most mammals have never actually "seen" a bird, and if they consider them at all, they would consider them to be vague mythological beings of unclear form and dubious intent; creatures that show up out of nowhere, make weird noises and dart about in unnatural and...
Finnish spitzs, also known affectionately as Finkies, are amongst the loudest, most vocal canines around the world, and while this may be unfavorable to the casual dog lover, fanatics take great pride in these dogs’ noises. In Finland, owners congregate to determine whose Finkie is to be ...
Deleuze saw it, in the Postscript on the Societies of Control:‘Can we already grasp the rough outlines of these coming forms, capable of threatening the joys of marketing?’ A science that could explain why people make the decisions they make, and accurately model long-term social changes. ...