Why do so many falls occur at night with the elderly?Hitt, Linda
Due to primarily sarcopenia and hypoglycemia but also neuropathy, hypotension, analgesics and polypharmacy, there is an increased incidence of falls and hip fractures in both the type 1 and type 2 diabetic patient. Utilization of insulin, hypotensive drugs, analgesics and perhaps canagliflozin further ...
Falls and fractures in older adults: Causes and prevention | National Institute on Aging. (n.d.-a). https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/falls-and-falls-prevention/falls-and-fractures-older-adults-causes-and-prevention Tatineny P, Shafi F, Gohar A, Bhat A. Sleep in the Elderly. Mo Med. ...
Leap years occur every four years unless it falls on a century year that cannot be divided by four. The next leap year will be in 2028. Leap Day that year will be observed on Tuesday, Feb. 29. After that, the next leap year is 2032, when Leap Day falls on Sunday, Feb. 29. –A...
marketplace where financial institutions, money managers, and speculatorstrade currenciesaround the clock. This is called the forex or f/x market, although the market has no physical presence and no owner. Changes in rates can occur hourly or daily with small changes or in large incremental ...
Under specific conditions, deflation can also occur in and after periods of economic crisis. In a highly financialized economy, where a central bank, another monetary authority, or the banking system, in general, engages in the continuous expansion of the supply of money and credit in the eco...
As avalanche expertBruce Tempersays, “Today’s surface hoar is tomorrow’s weak layer”. Similar to a deck of cards holding up the snowpack that falls on top of it, when depth hoar is formed in the middle of the snowpack, all it takes is the weight of a rider, or a ...
Fast food cooks work in overheated and fast-paced kitchens to produce a limited menu of food items. Beyond the burns, cuts and minor injuries that can occur from working in a kitchen, this job often comes with one of thelowest wages in the food industry, as well as long hours during ev...
What to Do When There Is No Love in Your Cat’s Bite Sometimes, when cats bite, they just plainbite. When a cat bites, the reason for their behavior typically falls under three pain categories. Overstimulation Excessive petting, loud noises, crowded rooms, and unfamiliar people can overstimu...
Mankind has always relied on “practical wisdom” in the sense of Aristotle to change people and society. However, practical wisdom is difficult to accumulate and pass on from generation to generation. Therefore, although “natural engineering” that is