Why do nuclear bomb explosions generally form mushroom clouds? Explain why Why is water appears cyan at the seashore while wave caps appear white? Why does a bubble form in the spherical shape only? Why does the Sun appear to have a sharp edge? Why does ice float on water? Why can't ...
Why do nuclear bomb explosions generally form mushroom clouds? Why two tides occur on a day, not just one? Explain why it is more dangerous to be on the top of a hill or mountain during a lightning storm than on level ground. How do astronomers know that stars...
2. Why we are able to hear smaller sound?Why do nuclear bomb explosions generally form mushroom clouds?Why do stars explode when they die?During thunder, we can hear a rolling sound, Why?Why can't we hear echoes in a small room?Why is Moon described as a 'silent planet'?
Why do nuclear bomb explosions generally form mushroom clouds? Why is high energetic projectile required for a nuclear transformation? Why is the chance of a nuclear reactor's exploding like a bomb remote? Why can't we use the nuclear reactor concept in making fuel for ou...
Why do nuclear bomb explosions generally form mushroom clouds? Why do airplanes wings not flap to fly? Why can a batter hit a pitched baseball further than a ball tossed in the air by the batter? Why is a liquid container more likely to burst from the base? Why is high ...
Why do nuclear bomb explosions generally form mushroom clouds? Why there is no terminal velocity in vacuum? What is the reason that we cannot hear an explosion on Moon? Why does a dry cell have internal resistance? Why does a clear stream always appear to be shallower than it actuall...