Understand your triggers. Why do I wake up with an earworm? Brain scans showedmore slow oscillations during sleepin the people who reported getting an earworm – a sign of memory reactivation. The brain region involved, the primary audio cortex, is also linked to earworm processing when people...
You’ve also heard that this is BS, that earwigs don’t really crawl into ears. Not so; two known cases. The part about eating out your brains may still be a myth, but who knows? Cecil Adams Send questions to Cecil via cecil@straightdope.com. SHARE COPY LINK Most Read In the...
The appeal of butterfly bushes lies in their ability to attract pollinators, including butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds, with their sweet, nectar-rich blooms. Their name, “butterfly bush,” reflects their reputation for drawing an abundance of butterflies to the garden, making them a favori...