Dung beetles Onthophagus gazella (59) Pupation Community Brood ball Modulate NEI. Removal of maternally provisioned bacteria in the brood ball slows time to pupation and adult size. Soil microbes not associated with beetles do not rescue development. Daphnia magna (60, 61) Reproduction Community ...
so they actively seek other sources of sodium and other minerals. While mineral-rich mud is a common source for sodium-seeking butterflies, they can also procure salt from animal dung, urine, and sweat, as well as from carcasses. Butterflies and other insects that get nutrients from...
During a narrow window in the summer, I will find many of these small dung beetles (Canthonsp.) in the place I call the Magic Field. People take dogs and horses into the field, and their droppings provides support for this population. I swear these do roll little balls of dung around ...
And because the digestive process doesn’t usually manage to suck all the nutrients out of food – poop is nutritious. Herbivores, for example, leave a third of food nutrients in their poop. As a result, animals like dung beetles and flies...
; to dung beetles that decompose waste into food and shelter (waste processing?); to the 1,400 species of bats (making up 20% of all mammals on Earth) that serve as pollinators, seed spreaders, and insect regulators (pesticides?); to the top predators like the grey wol...
The evolution of dung beetles may have involved animals thatscientists hadn't expected:...Fedde, Corey
Yes, I’m one of those crazies who fears going to the dentist. I’d rather go to the ob/gyn than the dentist. I’d rather experience Chinese water torture. I’d rather be forced to eat dung beetles, or just dung. Seriously. Yet, I make myself go once a year (okay, it’s usu...
Every potential flaw in a Tesla, every customer complaint, and every perceived shortfall from perfection in the product, the company, or its people is endlessly chewed into pulp by the mandibles of these filthy dung beetles in an effort to find a morsel of notoriety on which they can ...
But it is easy to forget that a billion or so people globally still live in deep agrarian poverty, meet virtually all their energy needs by collecting wood and dung, and spend their days hauling water and firewood and scrabbling to grow enough food off the land to feed themselves. In the...
10.Dung Beetlesrock! 11.Elephants brought me to Uganda. (Yeah I know, most people would just get on a plane!) Bull elephant feeding along the Kazinga Channel. Can you spot the hippo hiding in front of him? 12.Food menus. Guaranteed entertainment. A menu is simply a guide to what may...