When two dogs meet, they often go straight for a whiff of each other's behind. And anyone living in a multicat household will tell you that cats regularly put their nose under their fellow felines' tails. So why do dogs sniff each other's butts? It turns out, there's a good reason...
Every pooch parent has, at some point, felt mildly embarrassed when their dog heads straight for another dog’s rear end while out on a stroll, but butt-sniffing is an important form of communication for dogs. In brief,dogs smell other dogs’ butts to gain information about them and decide...
The chemicals tell dogs a lot about each other. They help a dog to know if another dog is male or female, how old it is, what it eats, how healthy it is, and even what kind of mood they’re in. The chemicals also help it to know if other dogs are strangers or if they’ve ...
Why do dogs sleep so much? Why do dogs sniff each other's butts? Why do dogs cower? Why do dogs growl? Why do dogs make people happy? Why do dogs bite their nails? Why do dogs wag their tails? Why do cats noses run? Why do dogs bark in their sleep?
Why Do Dogs Sniff Each Other's Butts? We know, we know, we have the 411 on dog butts apparently, but admittedly you're probably curious. Dogs sniffing each other's rumps is nothing new to dog parents. In fact, it is probably one of the first things you notice when you introduce you...
Why do dogs turn their back to you? Why do dogs sniff everything? Why don't dogs sweat? Why do dogs' noses run? Why how did placental mammals outcompete marsupials? Why do dogs sniff each other's butts? Why do deaf dogs bark?
Dogs don't sniff each other's butts just to be gross. It's a way of collecting info about the other dog. You might be surprised at what they can learn!
Another theory,as I describe in the chapter “Planet Smell” inThe Other End of the Leash, is the “guy-with-a-gold-chain” hypothesis. Perhaps dogs roll in stinky stuff because it makes them more attractive to other dogs. “Look at me! I have dead fish in my territory! Am I not ...
Another reason that cats might be attracted to the smelliest things is that they're used to getting in close to smell gross things. You know what we're talking about—each others' butts. When they're meeting and first investigating each other, cats like to sniff each others' butts to get...
Tail Wagging and Butts While we can’t really pick up on dog pheromones, other dogs can. If you’ve ever seen a dog sniff the butt of another, you’d know that dog butt pheromones communicate alot. For those who haven’t put two and two together, yes, dog tails are close to their...