Cougars, wolves, grizzly bears and black bearsare known to kill coyotes, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service. Golden eagles have been known to swoop down and take young coyotes. Humans kill coyotes too, for their fur and in attempts to control their populations. Ca...
Cougars, cheetahs and a few other big cats purr, too; so do civets, genets and mongooses. But why do cats purr? "It's one of those behaviors that we mostly understand, but not totally," said Mikel Delgado, a certified cat behavior consultant at Feline Minds, told Live Science. "Pur...
(cheetahs and cougars? yeah, they purr.) so, why do it? if it's a form of communication, it's meant for those near and dear, since cats purr at a frequency and volume too low to travel far. purring (and many other low-frequency vocalizations in mammals) often are associated with...
Why do wolves leave their pack? Are wolves an invasive species? Why are cougars an endangered species? Why do wolves live in packs? Why is the red fox an invasive species? Do gray wolves attack humans? How are red wolves similar to the gray wolf? Why is the southern cassowary an ecolog...
Minnesota has a designated list of regulated animals that are not allowed, including lions, tigers, cougars, leopards, cheetahs, ocelots, servals, bears, and non-human primates. Those who qualify for exemption to own a regulated animal must have registered the animal by March 2, 2005. A per...