5 Reasons As your body adapts to cold weather, muscle contraction increases and oxygen supply to your muscles decreases, leading to muscle pain or stiffness Your body has an efficient insulation mechanism made up of your skin and subcutaneous fat layer, which protect your tissues and organs from ...
But if you have symptoms below the neck, like chest congestion, a hacking cough, an upset stomach, fever, muscle aches, or fatigue, give yourself permission to sit it out. Rest is what gives your immune system time to recharge. In the first few days of your cold, you might want to...
Most viral illnesses do not need special medication and are “self-limiting”, meaning your own immune system will kick in and fight off the illness. However, this can take time; a cough and cold can last from 7 to 10 days and the flu or COVID might keep you down for 1 to 2 ...
Why your child might be vulnerable to colds There are more than 100 viruses that cause the common cold, so many young kids fall prey to continual rounds of sniffles, sneezes, and coughs, says Preeti Jaggi, MD, an infectious disease specialist at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago. Plus...
Signs and symptoms include coughing, headache, fatigue, fever, muscle aches, runny nose, sore throat, and sneezing. Decoction – (Latin for ‘boil down’) The liquid resulting from concentrating the essence of a substance like a tea or plant roots by heating or boiling, especially a medicinal...
Many of these are similar to what you may experience with a cold, but the key differences are high fever and muscle aches. Those are more common with the flu. And one other point to note: Influenza comes on fast and strong, more so than colds....
How do you tell if you are stressed? Physical symptoms of stress include: Low energy. Headaches. Upset stomach, including diarrhea, constipation, and nausea. Aches, pains, and tense muscles. Chest pain and rapid heartbeat. Insomnia. Frequent colds and infections. ...
cause. I took a few drops a day and slowly built up my dose, taking a few days off here and there. After a couple of weeks I realized I was doing better and about a month later I haven't had any problems with my stomach at all. I have had problems with stomach aches since I ...
How to do it: Boil the water and make coffee in your french press Allow the coffee to cool enough that when you test it with your finger it doesn’t burn (or even feel hot) Pour the coffee into the enema bucket, making sure that the lock is closed so the water doesn’t just pour...
I have always had a natural approach to everything I do. It has always been the way we live. I’ve done the same thing for both of my children. Wait the fever out. Make them comfortable as possible. You do mention febrile seizures don’t usually cause damage in high fevers. But, ...