Why Do Cats Love Catnip?Ramona Turner
Why Do Cats Like Catnip? Nobody quite understands why it causes strange effects in cats, but some scientists believe that the brain interprets them as cat pheromones which causes their behavior to go haywire. Aside from this, it acts as a natural mood enhancer, which may explain why ...
California Consumer Privacy Statement Use of cookies/Do not sell my data Scientific American is part of Springer Nature, which owns or has commercial relations with thousands of scientific publications (many of them can be found at www.springernature.com/us). Scientific American maintains a strict ...
You can also try redirecting their mouth away from you when they’re actively licking or just getting up and walking away. If your kitty is licking to get attention, ignoring them will usually cause them to stop. Of course, you don’t want to ignore them completely, but only when they’...
There are several schools of thought as to why cats react to catnip. It is reported that the cat experiences a marijuana like response to catnip. Other theories
Why Do Cats Suddenly Run Around a Room? This behavior involves cats running around in a frenzied and erratic manner, often accompanied by jumping and playfulness. But why do cats do this, and what is the purpose behind it? Often referred to as “zoomies”, zoomies are a natural instinct ...
【为什么猫喜欢猫薄荷?】假荆芥(Nepeta cataria,也称猫薄荷)和另一种与其相似的植物银藤(Actinidia polygama)似乎能激活猫的阿片系统,就像海洛因对人一样。这两种植物都含有能预防蚜虫的化合物环烯醚萜——猫咪在其中揉搓,似乎还能驱蚊。研究人员用环烯醚萜nepetalactol引诱家猫、野猫、圈养的豹、猞猁和美洲虎来测试该...
Katie Jennings