Oregon and Vermont require patients to be assessed by two doctors. Patients must have less than six months to live, be mentally and cognitively sound, and be physically able toingest the drugs to end their lives. Charts and records must be reviewed in the state; neglecting to do so constitu...
At last in 2009 an eighteen member committee chaired by a former Supreme Court judge,Saleem Marsoof, was appointed to investigate the issue and report to the government. After nine years of deliberation, wrangles and gestation the chairperson handed in the report to the female Minister of Justic...
This abandons local women to risk needless suffering or even death if they require essential reproductive healthcare (Berer, 2013, Catholics for a Free Choice, 2003). The woman's religion or beliefs are disregarded by the institution, even though Catholic women in the U.S. have abortions at ...
Criswell later told Ronnie Dugger and Willie Morris of the Texas Observer that in his opinion Catholics should be barred from holding any public office. While everyone was religious, some were superreligious, and they thought of themselves as a spiritual vanguard. They were contemptuous of the ...
This percent is9 for sexually abused persons raised as Catholics and never in a foundation. For thewhole sample of 34,324 persons, the percent abused as a minor by an unrelatedadult from a Catholic organization was 0.6.Taken together, figures do not tell well on the Dutch Catholic church....
Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglo Catholics consider the Last Supper and transubstantiation as miraculous events while most Protestants see the Eucharist in symbolic terms. The miraculous works of Jesus were an important part of testifying to the Hypostatic Union or dual natures of Jesus Ch...
I thought of departed family members roasting in the lake of fire because they were Catholics, and all Catholics were deceived by false doctrines, and therefore by extension were worthy of eternal torment.Out of desperation, i tried to correct my sinking ship by doing good works and praying ...
The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, illogically ruled that religious schools were indeed being singled out. “A state need not subsidize private education,” the majority judgment states. “But once a state decides to do so, it cannot disqualify some ...
(USA), and United Church in Christ all permit the blessing of same-sex unions. A recent study by the Pew Research Center found that over half of Roman Catholics and white mainline Protestants support marriage equality. These persons of faith do not think of their support for gay rights as ...
the extreme Protestants known as Puritans and to ardent Catholics. For nearly 30 years Elizabeth successfully played off against each other the two great Catholic powers, France and Spain, and prevented England from getting involved in any major European conflict. Through her marriage alliances which...