Being smart is generally a good thing. You can use your smarts to make more money and do more things with ease. However, what if you live in one of the smartest countries in the world. Can your smartness shine through when many of your peers are equally as intelligent? Or what if you...
Businesses do so because they know they can pass it on to the next entity in line, and finally to the consumers; and consumers do so because they’re flush with these grotesque amounts of sudden money from the heavens – Fed and government stimulus. There are many examples of “price...
seen the typical ugly American pimping the streets of Roppongi, thinking he's God's gift to mankind and that it is only natural that they bow down before him and pay him homage for what his father or grandfather did in Japan. I've seen Spaniards and Germans and French, Canadians and ...
, september 16, 2016, . view in article canadians could be forgiven for thinking this is a mistake many us citizens might also make. the open mind common sense project, initiated by marvin minsky, robert speer, and catherine havasi, attempts to “crowdsou...
Jack asks: Why do the British pronounce “Z” as “Zed”? It’s not just the British that pronounce “z” as “zed”. The vast majority of the English speaking world does this. The primary exception, of course, is in the United States where “z” is pronounced “zee”. ...
I have Canadians I deal with at work that mentioned my accent all the time. They aren’t rude but when they sound exactly like people in my family it makes no sense that my accent sounds like I’m from all over the place. I’ve been told I sound like a New Yorker mixed with ...
In a related study that wrapped up this year, the scientists asked groups of indigenous Canadians why they ranked behaviors dangerous or not. For instance, when asked about drinking and driving, most participants mentioned that you could hurt yourself or somebody else. If people know cigarettes ca...
and singing requires the air passages to expand and become larger. This changes the quality of the sound. As a result, regional accents can disappear because syllables are stretched out and stresses fall differently than in normal speech. So, once again, this all adds up to sing...
I love the Canadians and their self-deprecating humor, found in ample portions on the“Meanwhile in Canada” Facebook page. Here’s what I’m hoping is a real Canadian wedding cake, and don’t think that I wouldn’t kill for a slice!
“We believe that we’re losing some ground and so we think that we can redevelop and refresh without losing the character,” said Ireland. “But it has been exceptionally difficult for businesses to get through the process to do that.” Things turned out differently In Banff, where the mun...