The creators of Robot Chicken revisit the POG craze for some reason. Mulan's disguise has worked too well. Rita Repulsa advertises a new use for her wand, and the Power Rangers refuse to pay the price!
Matilda and Ella: Why do we have to brush our teeth? Kid 1: We should ask a dentist if you don't brush your teeth Nij: Good idea… Kid 2: I've been to dentist sometimes Kid 1: When your tooth is not too clean, a dentist helps you brush it ...
Why Do Dogs Feet Smell Like Fritos? Why Do Female Dogs Hump? Why Do Dogs Go Crazy After a Bath? Please share with your friends 🙂 Recommended Reading: Why Do Dogs Drag Their Butts on the Floor? Why Do Dogs Love Belly Rubs? Why Do Dogs Get Eye Boogers? Why Do Dogs Love to Lay...
Recommended Reading: Why Do Dogs Get Eye Boogers? Why Do Dogs Snore? Why Do Dog Feet Smell Like Fritos? Why Do Female Dogs Hump?484 shares Pinterest Facebook Twitter Tagged With: why do dogs Filed Under: Why Do Dogs Subscribe for updates Enter your email to receive notifications of new ...