Why is there a risk of stunted growth for a young boy (pre-pbescent) taking anabolic steroids (substances that have similar effects as testosterone)? What is the effect of having low levels of testosterone in human beings? Why might bodybuilders take aromatase...
It worth mentioning that children are not allowed to use any supplements and over more steroids. This must be explained logically so they will not want to do this in secret. Explain them that this is not needed now as they will grow easily with nothing until they are 25 years. After this...
Eating too much protein is one of the main reasons why bodybuilders get bubble gut. Protein is the building block of muscle. When you eat more than your body needs, your body breaks down the excess protein into amino acids that it can use for muscle growth. When this happens, your body...
This is probably the most common reason why bodybuilders have muscle imbalances. Lifting too heavy is the result of combining BRO-SCIENCE with EGO creating EGO-SCIENCE! You have all these drug abusers (steroids) on YouTube claiming that you MUST “lift big to get big”, because they don’t...
How the Body Produces and Uses HGH There are multiple schedules and regimens that people use when cycling or using HGH. One approach used by many bodybuilders looking to get a ripped and shredded look involves cutting calories in such a way as to produce HGH. We have discussed earlier why ...
The Biggest Natural Bodybuilders Have Thick Bones The naive mind may conclude that anyone can build huge muscle naturally regardless of his bone structure, but that just doesn’t happen to the average person. The natties with the biggest musculatures have robust frames and bigger ...
There are no long term human studies regarding the use of cardarine. These are valid to make use of but still not allowed in competitive sports as they aren’t suitable to swallow due to absence of analysis. Before Purchasing any of these steroids, including sarms, cardarine, or any such ...
Believe it or not bodybuilders love what they do, if not, they would choose a different lifestyle. Bodybuilders love to make their bodies a work of art, so why wouldn't we want to show our art to the world? It would be like Picasso keeping all of his work to himself. ...
The only clowns on here are you small people, crying about steroids and ‘gene’s’ and yet refuse to acknowledge what the majority of bodybuilders do. I’ve put the work in like a man. you quit, you gave up! Stop making yourself look even more stupid. ...
To gain muscle, our bodies need to be in an anabolic state fed by an ample amount of protein, carbs, and calories. If you are attempting to build muscle, expect to add some fat. This is keenly understood by fitness models and bodybuilders who “bulk up” with muscle and some fat duri...