Many of us have been paying $15.00/ Month + Xpac costs for 18+ years at this point, our money has never stopped flowing but Blizzards creative juices sure have. I expect more from the company than a minor rehash of an already existing race. Reply With Quote ...
Below: A couple of photos of goose blizzards. The marsh can be calm and then all of a sudden a couple of thousand geese suddenly rise into the air in unison. Typically they all call as they take off so the spectacle is both visually and acoustically stunning to witness. These mass fligh...
On March 11, 1993, "The Storm of the Century"--the most catastrophic and expensive winter storm in the United States since 1980--hit the entire East Coast with blizzards and severe weather that left many Eastern and Northeastern states under 2 to 4 feet of snow, and enduring hurricane-like...
The unusual weather also had other effects in that it brought blizzards such as the one that pinned Scott down in the tent for 4 days on the way to the pole, consuming rations and fuel and making no progress. It likely had an effect on the wind direction, whereas Scott could have ...
I wish every car and truck manufacturer putone of these TACT Bivvysin everyone’s glove box. It saves lives when people get stuck overnight in blizzards. Here’s my video review ofthe TACT Bivvy: ↓ Bug Out Bag Shelter – TACT Bivvy Review ...
Every year my wife and I do our best to buy local candy for Easter, even though are kids are now in their 20s. We - or The Easter Bunny - has been getting them the solid chocolate bunny from Nora's since they were old enough to eat chocolate. ...
While the first suggestion would definitely be welcomed with open hearts, the second one is also important because Warrior as a class shouldn’t be able to do what Warlocks and Priests do best. Either way, we hope Blizzards finally decides to listen to the community and makes Arms ...
Hopefully you will never be stuck in your car for days but with blizzards that could happen. Having some snacks in the car will be helpful just in case. First aid kit SergeiKorolko First aid kit Having a first aid kit is key just in case you are hurt while stuck in your car. ...
From my side, I sang a few songs to please Mountain Gods. We did face extreme snow blizzards and crazy bad weather when we were 2 camps prior to the Col but luckily it all went well on the day it mattered the most. I must say the Mountain Gods do enjoy my songs!
and who knows maybe its all part of blizzards plan, they can always come back in 5.0 with the old "well since so many people got to skip Ulduar we will be bringing it back as the first raid instance of the new expansion" line 2010...