Why do authors use short sentences? Here are reasons to write short sentences: Short sentencesprovide a direct path to your main point. ... A verbose sentence will distract readers and bury your main point under unnecessary words. Short sentences improve readability. ...
1.2M What is a sentence fragment? Get the sentence fragment definition and see sentence fragment examples to find out when it is acceptable to use a fragment. Related to this QuestionWhy do writers need to revise sentences containing dangling modifiers? Why do authors use dialogue in narrative...
Why do authors use dialogue in narrative essays? Why do writers use ellipses? What does rebuttal mean in a persuasive essay? When doing an in text citation, and you are using a quote from the book but all you have are electronic copies of the books how do you know what to put as the...
Do people use sick hands or other guests in introducing in China. How do people usually greet their friends in China do they hug each other? People greet each other when they meet or when they are introduced to someone for the first time. This part focus on different ways to make introdu...
Even with free verse, less is more. Personification helps the writer make sound, powerful points with short phrases. Lengthy descriptions just don't work in poetry. There has to be a flow and a rhythm, and it is easier to find that when you use appropriate personification. ...
Do you wonder why your classmates always get higher marks than you If you think it is because they are cleverer than you, you are really wrong, according to American authors Wood Smethurst and william Luckie. In their book, Study Power, they say that successful students are not cleverer ...
Use stories to illuminate what you’re trying to say. Write in short sentences. Make one point per sentence. Communicate with a smooth and natural tone, as if you’re talking to a friend at a bar. If you havewriter’s block, you don’t have enough notes, so rather than starting with...
Pay attention to what kinds of sentences first-time authors of your kind of book are writing these days, and you needn’t fear going too far afield. As a general rule of thumb, even first-time novelists can usually get the occasional use of the single-sentence paragraph dev...
Authors use different literary elements to enhance their stories and add suspense. Suspense compels the readers to continue reading to find out what will happen next. Used together the elements can create a story no reader would want to put down, but used alone some elements benefit stories more...
Consider a cleverstudyrecently conducted by Kevin Rounding of Queen’s University in Ontario that demonstrates how religion helps increase self-control. In two experiments participants (many of whom identified as atheists) were primed with a religious mindset – they unscrambled short sentences containi...