Story structure is a HUGE deal in all stories. The last couple of posts, I’ve mentioned memoirs and how they can utilize a variety of structures. This said, there are so many variegations for the memoir, that I just can’t do them all justice here. Since I am at least sharp enough...
Unintentionalrepetition is something that authors are (quite rightly) warned to watch out for, particularly in fiction. And that may have given you the idea that you shouldn’t repeat words or phrases at all. Intentionalrepetition, however, is a powerful tool: it can be used to make your po...
Readers are parting with very limited free time so we need to make our stories a good use of that time. No one wants to invest twelve to fifteen hours in a novel where, if the MC fails, he just tries again next year. I LOVE hearing from you! Does this break down help? Maybe make...
In a month! Cos Nanowrimo is a thing!” Or they expect flawless nuggets of verbal gold the moment that they begin writing. Or they demand that their favorite authors churn out books like a factory for them.