In recent years, older athletes have held agrip on tennislike never before in the Open era. Whenyounger players do break through, it’s big news — andspeculation always runs rampantas to which up-and-comer will supplant one of the old guard. ...
I read an awful account of an American woman (living in the UK) who went searching for a UK doctor prepared to do the same thing to her sexually active teenage daughter, when all of the UK doctors refused to do the exam, her husband made some enquiries and found someone prepared to d...
Well, one thing that might have some answers in it that I really wanted to ask you, because you’ve worked with so many elite level athletes, and one thing that you see happen that’s similar to what you were just talking about after competition, is after this pe...
after Clemens forced a trade to the '99 Yankees, or even Dylan finding out from Nat that Brandon was dating Kelly but still, he's going to saunter into Los Angeles wearing a Celtics uniform? The Lakers won't be rushing to retire his number after that one, nor will their fans ...
Why the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer? – The solution is in the three income solution: Ordinary Portfolio Passive Just utilizing the “ordinary” method will get you nowhere. As an example, take a look at successful athletes and lottery winners, who failed to transform their inc...
sports their sons participated in: hockey, lacrosse, soccer, martial arts, hockey, gymnastics, running, downhill skiing. Offered proudly, as if amazed by their children's breadth of achievement, as if compelled to justify their sons as real athletes — not just the most elite skaters in ...