Democrats, if you’re wondering why America voted for Trump, allow me to explain: The truth is, the American People are sick of your shit. You ruined our nation and our culture. You openly mocked, belittled, and discriminated us, then called us racist, misogynist, Nazis when we started n...
Why Poor Americans Flock to Donald TrumpKyle Smith
President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump share common ground on tariff policy. But some policymakers argue that while tariffs can protect and help grow domestic industries, they can also lead to higher prices for Americans. “The economics on tariffs are really clear that they’re a...
Trump's. People may know he's been charged with crimes, even if they don't understand them, but let's face it: That's only likely to increase their skepticism that he'll actually be the nominee. If anything, most Americans tend to assume some mysterious "they" — such as b...
COVID-19 might partially explain why Trump managed to hang onto so many male supporters. It’s also an important reminder that as Biden enters office witha very different visionfor how to address the pandemic, these are the very Americans who are among the likeliest to resent — or even ...
President in modern history, only with the exception of Donald Trump. Who could have thought? I mean, I covered the White House in Washington for six years when Biden was vice president, and to be honest, he struck me as a genuine, engaging and likable man. But reality...
“How can you have an insurrection without guns?” Scott believes “Trump did not use inflammatory language in his J6 speech in front of millions of people.” He added, “All Trump wanted Pence to do was to throw the Electoral College votes back to the states where they would have ten ...
I have no idea who is going to win this election. Neither does anyone else, really. AsI mentioned a few weeks back in these pages, I do believe Donald Trump is peaking at the right time, and that the momentum is on his side. But a lot of that depends on whether pollsters have rem...
Trump is a Flawed Candidate A common charge against Trump is that he is a flawed candidate. But in a Two Party system, such as we have, our choices are limited. We do not have perfect candidates with whom to replace imperfect ones. In fact, there are no perfect candidates on the ticke...
And then there were the federal medical “experts” like Anthony Fauci, who insisted Americans oughtnot to be allowed to leave their homes until no new covid-19 cases were discovered for a period of weeks.Translation: never. Health technocrats like Fauci came to be hated by Trump supporters...