It is very worrying when your older dog suddenly starts having seizures. You are left to wonder whether they are sick or if it is a sign that your dog is in its final days. You are right to be concerned, as seizures are not common among dogs, even as they enter their older years. ...
Joy Lee has lived in the L.A. area for her entire life, but the 48-year-old says she hasn’t felt an earthquake in almost two decades. “Sometimes I will be on social media and suddenly my friends will start commenting on the earthquake, and I will realize I felt nothing,” she s...
Tumors.Brain tumorsare not uncommon in older dogs. They can also happen in younger dogs, especially boxers and Boston terriers. Brain tumors can lead to a loss of balance, as well as a host of other symptoms. The exact symptoms depend on the tumor and its location. They may includeseizur...
Given the conversation at hand, all of that might be an advantage in my case. At the very least, I have no problem “opening a can” on the conversation about the mass-shooting problem that nobody seems to be having. Whether that’s a can of worms or whoop-ass is for you to decid...
This is what really gets to me, though: The staunchest defenders of vaccines. The parents who will go toe-to-toe with me in a public forum saying what a bad parent I am for not vaccinating. And then what do I find out months later, years later, ...
This is what really gets to me, though: The staunchest defenders of vaccines. The parents who will go toe-to-toe with me in a public forum saying what a bad parent I am for not vaccinating. And then what do I find out months later, years later, a...
When too weak to swallow, her physical symptoms including seizures, were controlled using medications in a continuous subcutaneous infusion. She became drowsy and slipped into unconsciousness; she died six days after admission. Despite directly questioning the consultant: “Am I dying?” the patient ...